comprehensive adj. 1.广泛的,全面的,完整的,包含多的,综合的。 2.有理解力的,悟性好的。 a comprehensive knowledge 渊博的知识。 a comprehensive mind 宽大的心胸。 a comprehensive account [description] 全面的说明[记载]。 a comprehensive survey 全面调查。 comprehensive faculty 理解力。 a comprehensive English-Chinese dictionary 综合英汉词典。 be comprehensive of 包含…。 comprehensive utilization 综合利用。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
ban n. 1.禁止,禁令。 2.(社会上的)禁忌,(舆论上的)谴责。 3.【宗教】诅咒,逐出教门。 lift [remove] the ban 开禁,解禁。 place [put] under a ban 禁止。 under the ban 被禁止;被逐出教门;被放逐。 vt. (-nn-) 1.禁止,取缔 (opp. allow). 2.把…逐出教门。 vi. 〔古语〕诅咒。 ban2 n. 1.布告。 2.〔pl.〕 = banns. 3.【历史】(中世纪封建君主征召家臣从军的)召集令;被召集来的家臣。 n. (pl. bani ) 巴恩〔罗马尼亚货币名,等于1/100列伊〕。
Last year at the united nations , i was proud to be the first world leader to sign the comprehensive test ban treaty 新的世贸组织遵奉共同的规范,将有助于确使其他国家必须遵守我们一向秉持的高标准。
But their original mission of designing nuclear warheads , apparently , also has not suffered despite international agreements like the comprehensive test ban treaty 但是他们最初设计核弹头的任务显然地也没有受到像全面禁止试验条约谈判的国际协议影响。
Last year we successfully concluded a comprehensive test ban treaty , which president clinton plans to submit to the senate for ratification in the very near future - and we are committed to trying to achieve the treaty s envisioned entry into force by september 1998 我们排除预算缩减的万难保存了我们的实力。总统清楚地表达太平洋社区的美景,我们支持这个政策并非光说不练,而是四处的奔走与协商。
It has joined us in urging them to conduct no more tests , to sign the comprehensive test ban treaty , to avoid deploying or testing missiles , to tone down the rhetoric , to work to resolve their differences , including over kashmir , through dialogue 但是中国仍维持百分之廿三的平均关税税率以及许多非关税障碍,因此尚待完成的工作仍多。就具商业意义的开放市场条件,与中国进行攸关加入世界贸易组织的谈判,是美国继续朝这方面努力的主要机会。
A central part of our global strategy has been to ensure that weapons of mass destruction do not threaten the american people . that is why we worked so hard to extend indefinitely the nuclear non - proliferation treaty and to secure the comprehensive test ban treaty . it is why we have a program in place to keep nuclear weapons in the former soviet union from falling in the hands of terrorists or rogue states 一如沙乌地阿拉伯十九位优秀美军之死以及仍未破案的环航800号班机空难,此次管状炸弹案提醒我们,若想享有新世界的好处,我们就必须击溃这些利用杀害无辜人们,把恐惧与仇恨注入并燃烧在我们其他人心中,而致毁灭这个新世界的各种势力。