
comprehensive test ban中文是什么意思

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  • Last year at the united nations , i was proud to be the first world leader to sign the comprehensive test ban treaty
  • But their original mission of designing nuclear warheads , apparently , also has not suffered despite international agreements like the comprehensive test ban treaty
  • Last year we successfully concluded a comprehensive test ban treaty , which president clinton plans to submit to the senate for ratification in the very near future - and we are committed to trying to achieve the treaty s envisioned entry into force by september 1998
  • It has joined us in urging them to conduct no more tests , to sign the comprehensive test ban treaty , to avoid deploying or testing missiles , to tone down the rhetoric , to work to resolve their differences , including over kashmir , through dialogue
  • A central part of our global strategy has been to ensure that weapons of mass destruction do not threaten the american people . that is why we worked so hard to extend indefinitely the nuclear non - proliferation treaty and to secure the comprehensive test ban treaty . it is why we have a program in place to keep nuclear weapons in the former soviet union from falling in the hands of terrorists or rogue states
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comprehensive test ban的中文翻译,comprehensive test ban是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译comprehensive test ban,comprehensive test ban的中文意思,comprehensive test ban的中文comprehensive test ban in Chinesecomprehensive test ban的中文comprehensive test ban怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
